Sunday, October 16, 2011


昨天的下午,找已經厭煩躲在屋内休養的日子,全家到户外去呼吸秋天有点冰凉的氣息。孩子們似乎己厭倦躲在屋中打angry bird旳無趣,到了果園便跳躍不已。

Monday, August 16, 2010

Baboo 要上幼稚園了. Baboo is going to Kindergarten

Baboo 就要上幼稚園了,這對作媽媽的我來說實在是一件大事。記得Baboo 剛出生的時候, 每一個小時就哭著要吃奶. 差一點沒把我累壞了. 昨天幼稚園的老師到家裡來拜訪. 看著他專注傾聽老師的神情, 真是有點感動. 時間過的好快, 一轉眼Baboo 已經快6歲了...仍好似我昨日懷中襁褓的寶貝.

Baboo is going to Kindergarten.  For me, this is such a big deal. The memory of his birth was still so vivid on my mind. Yesterday, the St. Paul Kindergarten teacher Mrs. Novak came to visit. The purpose of her visit was to introduce herself and also answer our questions about her class. She also read a story called "The kissing hand" to Baboo. A story about a little raccoon ready to start school. He talks about his fears to his mother, fears that most children have before beginning school. ...
Mrs. Novak is showing Baboo all his new classmates
Mrs. Novak 正在向Baboo介紹他的新同學 
A perfect first day story
My Kindergartener

Silly Band . 造型橡皮筋

Silly Band 造型橡皮筋是最近在美國校園大流行的一項東西(三歲到十五歲的小朋友).不知道台灣有沒有在流行這個東西? Baboo 和Pilou 也收集了不少種類,像有恐龍照型的,還有動物照型的橡皮筋.真是琳琅滿幕. 有時他們也會和別人交換.

"Silly Bandz"are the hottest back-to-school item now, spotted on students everywhere.  From 3 to 15 years old, kids of all ages are hooked on this rubbery bracelets that look like colorful rubber bands....Here are some collections from Baboo and Pilou..

不同照型的Silly Band

Friday, August 13, 2010

Green Field Village and Henry Ford Museum . 亨利福特村和博物館

Jean 的公司為了犒賞員工向亨利福特村買了一些免費的入場卷. 我們一行人浩浩盪盪的玩了一整天. Benoit 特別喜歡玩美國舊時的童玩叫"Skittles game". 基本上就像把打保齡放在一張小桌子上打. 我覺的這個遊戲真是好玩又益智.

Skittles - 桌上保齡球

Bowling . 打保齡球

個周末,Pilou 和Benoit 第一次打保齡球. 看著他們打球的樣子挺可愛的.只是保齡球太重了,所以只能用滾的.

Last weekend, Pilou and Benoit went bowling the first time. Look at the way Pilou rolling the ball is quite cute. All the balls are quite heavy, therefore, they can only roll them...


Thursday, August 5, 2010

German Park . 德國公園

安娜堡鄰近的Pontiac Trail 路上, 有一個一年才舉辦三次的德國公園巴伐利亞慶祝活動.平常人跟本不會知道有這個地方. 是因為十年前朋友告之才知有此樂園. 現在我們是每年一定不會錯過這個既可享受味美的德國香腸, 還可痛飲純正德國啤酒的好地方.真是不亦樂乎也.

German Park is located on the far northeast side of Ann Arbor, definitely off the beaten path. On the last Saturday of June/July/August there is an all day festival featuring German food, music, and, of course, beer. This year, I told some of my friends whom has never heard about this place before. As they went, they told me " How'd I live my whole life in Ann Arbor and never make it to German Park until now?!? What a fantastic oasis!!!". Yes, Indeed, this is what I meant...

Baboo 和Pilou 正在享用德國香腸

Dancing Shoes . 舞鞋

Dirndl and Lederhose, the Traditional Bavarian Clothing